
CalligraphyThere’s a new Nuri Bibliography page on my website where I’ve listed publications about Abu ‘l-Husayn al-Nuri (d. 295/907).

Nuri was a leading figure in the Sufi community of Baghdad that centred around Abu ‘l-Qasim al-Junayd (d. 298/910)  and the two men were life-long friends.

Nuri was reknowned for his eloquence and sincerity of belief and practice. But sometimes his words and actions drew the disapproval of public officials and preachers. For instance, Nuri’s declaration of his passionate love for God led to a series of trials and eventually to his exile from Baghdad.

Research on Nuri

Between 2003 and 2008 I worked on the biographies of Nuri in Arabic and the works attributed to him. This culminated in my MPhil dissertation, which is available at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Library at the University of Cambridge:

Luckyn-Malone, Phoebe. “The Life and Works of Abu ‘l-Husayn al-Nuri: His Portrayal in the Arabic Biographical Tradition.” MPhil diss., University of Cambridge, 2008.

I hope to eventually publish this research, but in the meantime, I thought listing some of the major publications on Nuri would be helpful to anyone working on the early development of Sufism.

New Publication: Kitab Bayan al-Farq

A new edition of a text tentatively connected with the Sufi Abu ‘l-Husayn al-Nuri is now available online.

This edition of the Bayan al-Farq bayn al-Sadr wa’l-Qalb wa’l-Fu’ad wa’l-Lubb is edited by Josef Meri and published by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre. The work is attributed to al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi. [...]

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