For anyone interested in the study of agriculture in the medieval Islamic world, a key task is tracking down manuscripts.
I’ve now gathered a fair number of publications listing these manuscripts, so I thought I’d help others working on this topic by providing a preliminary list here. I will add more references as I come across them.
You can submit a reference to the list by commenting on this post.
List of Publications
Attie, Bachir. “Les manuscrits agricoles arabes de la Bibliotheque nationale de Paris,” Hesperis-Tamuda 10:3 (1969), 241-61.
Carabaza Bravo, Julia. “Codices miscelaneos de agronomia andalusi,” al-Qantara 19 (1998), 393-416.
Carabaza Bravo, Julia and Garcia Sanchez, Expiracion. “Estado actual y perspectivas de los estudios sobre agronomia andalusi.” In El Saber en al-Andalus: Textos y Estudios II, edited by Tawfik, Aly et al., 101-18. Seville: Universidad de Sevilla, 1999.
Carabaza Bravo, Julia and Garcia Sanchez, Expiracion. “Obras manuscritas de los geoponos andalusies (siglos X-XII).” In Homenaje al Profesor Jacinto Bosch Vila, vol. 2, 1115-32. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1991.
Salihiya, Muhammad `Isa. “Mulahazat `ala Makhtutat al-Filaha: al-Tatbiqiya al-Mahfuza fi ‘l-Maktabat al-`Arabiya wa’l-Ajnabiya,” Majallat Majma` al-Lugha al-`Arabiya bi-Dimashq 59:3 (1984), 566-86.
Sezgin, Fuat. “Botanik-Agrikultur.” In Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Band IV: Alchimie-Chemie, Botanik-Agrikultur. Bis ca. 430 H, 303-46. Leiden: Brill, 1971.